Why Residents Need an RV Garage to Stick Out Tough Colorado Winters

Why Metal Buildings Are Colorado’s Ultimate Weather Shield?
It’s probably not a massive surprise that the state of Colorado sees quite a bit of snow each winter. Despite fluctuating temperatures often melting it away pretty quickly, the region does get quite a bit in terms of snowfall. In fact, the Centennial State receives nearly 60 inches of snow accumulation each year! This heavy snowfall often leads to extensive damages to vehicles and homes that aren’t structurally capable of handling it. These buildings have the sheer muscle to resist heavy snow accumulations and are engineered to protect automobiles and recreational vehicles of all sizes.
But let’s be honest! Colorado is home to quite a few more streaks of violent weather than just blizzards. Mudslides, floods, wildfires, hailstorms, and even tornadoes occur in the state, causing immense amounts of damage to homes and businesses. And while no structure is guaranteed to survive weather events as vicious as tornadoes, a metal building is still your safest construction option. When faced with weight from winds or snow, steel naturally flexes, allowing it to remain strong where most wooden structures would crack.
Why You Should Prepare Your RV For Winters?
If you own an RV, you know how much of an investment they are. In addition to the standard fluids you’ll have to maintain in any vehicle, RV owners must contend with plumbing and pipes as well. And with frigid mountain temperatures, it’s vital to winterize these vehicles before winter sets in. So taking the time to replace the fluids in the plumbing of your recreational vehicle can save you tons of money in costly repairs and allow you to rest easy, knowing that it will be in working order when you need it.
Why You Need a RV Garage to Protect from Colorado Winters?
Let’s face it! Winters are tough on us all. And they can be especially tough on our vehicles and homes. In areas like Colorado, heavy snow and ice storms can cause thousands of dollars in damages to your property. That’s why so many people rely on the strength our metal buildings offer. These benefits of these structures include:
Extending the Life of Your RV
Vehicles stored outdoors are constantly subject to heavy UV rays, winds, and moisture – things that can quickly cause your vehicle to deteriorate. By keeping your RV stored away in a dry environment, your tires, wiring, and hoses will stay intact for much longer than if left exposed.
Protection from Pests
Unlike wooden structures, metal buildings are naturally pest-resistant, offering wood-boring insects no natural food source and rodents no bedding sources. This keeps your essential items from being nibbled on and destroyed by creepy crawlies.
Protection from Snow
Our buildings are certified to withstand loads of snow, wind, and seismic activity in most regions of the US. That includes Colorado metal buildings! Allowing you can rest assured knowing that your building can stand up those heavy Colorado snows.
Easy Expansion
Steel buildings are constructed in such a way that makes them easily expanded, allowing you to adapt your new building to your growing needs. Wooden structures can be nightmares when it comes to expansion and often require the assistance of contractors and engineers.
Preserving Resale Value
Keeping your recreational vehicle safe from the elements will allow you to preserve its value should you decide to sell or trade it.
Important Steps to Protect Your Investment All Season Long
Storing your recreational vehicle away in the winter months can keep it safe and secure from the elements. Sunlight, snow, and rain all conspire to damage your vehicle over time and can result in costly damages if not properly handled. But the most crucial aspect is the winterization process. We spoke early about why it must be done, but let’s take a deeper dive into the steps you’ll want to take to keep your vehicle shiny and new all winter long:
Inspect your vehicle
Taking the time to give your RV a once-over will help you identify any problems. Problems, that if left untreated, may cause severe damages. Additionally, check your oil levels, tires, lights, and battery connections to ensure that they are all in working order.
Replace radiator fluid
During the winter months, the water in your radiator can freeze and expand, causing the housing to crack or burst. And the worst part? You probably won’t realize it until you’re about fifty miles into your first spring RV trip. Replace your radiator with the appropriate type of antifreeze to keep it protected, even on the coldest winter days.
Drain and replace your RV’s plumbing
The pipes for toilets and sinks on your recreational vehicle will contain water. Water that will expand when temperatures drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. These pipes could be costly if they were to burst.
Buy Your RV Garage from Get Carports Today!
If you’re the proud owner of a new RV, you want to make certain that your investment is safe. And for residents of Colorado, the climate can be devastating on vehicles and equipment. That’s why it’s so important to have a safe, dry place to store your cars, trucks, and RVs during the winter months. And if you’re like us, you want something done right. That’s where we come in!
Get Carports aims to be the nation’s number one provider for metal buildings and premium steel structures. From prefab steel RV garages to RV garage kits, we have the skills and
experience to deliver a product that will not only work well but will last for years to come. So, give our skilled building experts a call at (800) 691-5221 and let them help you design, customize, and install your new metal RV garage today!
Explore our full collection and find the perfect fit for your needs. Shop All Metal Buildings today!